instagram outage

Facebook and Instagram recover shortly after an outageFacebook and Instagram recover shortly after an outage

Facebook and Instagram recover shortly after an outage

Social networking giants Facebook and Instagram faced an outage for a brief period on April 8, 2021. Reports say that…

4 years ago
Facebook and Instagram faces outage a day after Messenger crashedFacebook and Instagram faces outage a day after Messenger crashed

Facebook and Instagram faces outage a day after Messenger crashed

Thousands of users of Facebook and Instagram across the globe faced issues accessing the popular social network platforms. The users…

6 years ago
Facebook and Instagram faced outrage in few countriesFacebook and Instagram faced outrage in few countries

Facebook and Instagram faced outrage in few countries

Popular social networks Facebook and Instagram faced an outage on October 11, 2017. Reports from a web tracker and various…

7 years ago