Nintendo switch console

Nintendo sells more than 107 million units of its Switch consoleNintendo sells more than 107 million units of its Switch console

Nintendo sells more than 107 million units of its Switch console

Gaming giant Nintendo has come up with its latest financial report which has given an idea as to how many…

3 years ago
New Nintendo Switch to be launched with OLED panels by SamsungNew Nintendo Switch to be launched with OLED panels by Samsung

New Nintendo Switch to be launched with OLED panels by Samsung

Good news is on the way for all the Nintendo Switch fans. A new Switch is being planned and might…

4 years ago
Nintendo to launch an upgrade for its popular SwitchNintendo to launch an upgrade for its popular Switch

Nintendo to launch an upgrade for its popular Switch

Gaming giant Nintendo has announced that it is planning to release an upgraded version of its gaming console Switch in…

4 years ago
Nintendo Switch console production getting back on trackNintendo Switch console production getting back on track

Nintendo Switch console production getting back on track

The Nintendo Switch consoles are one of the popular hand-held consoles among the gamers. Since the past few months, the…

5 years ago
Nintendo struggles to get parts of Switch as the supply affected in Asian countriesNintendo struggles to get parts of Switch as the supply affected in Asian countries

Nintendo struggles to get parts of Switch as the supply affected in Asian countries

The Switch by Nintendo console is one of the popular hand-held consoles among the gaming enthusiasts. But the company is…

5 years ago