Instant messaging application WhatsApp has reached another milestone. The company announced on April 22, 2014 that it has 500 million active users at the moment, who share over 700 million images, as well as 100 million videos on a daily basis. The most popular messaging service in the world has managed to reach new heights despite the Facebook backlash.
The deal with Facebook – worth $19 billion – has not been welcomed by users who expressed their concerns over data privacy, however, WhatsApp continues to grow at a fast pace and seems unaffected by this. Facebook announced the high-profile acquisition in February 2014 and since then, the app added 50 million users.
WhatsApp’s steady growth can be contributed to its simplicity and compelling nature or the company’s promise that it will not store users’ personal information such as names, email addresses, location, birthdays, videos and images. Following the deal with Facebook, the company stated that its values remain unchanged and this has resulted in half a billion active users.
The instant messaging service published a blog post on April 22, 2014, which read, “Thanks to all of you, half a billion people around the world are now regular, active WhatsApp users. In the last few months, we’ve grown fastest in countries like Brazil, India, Mexico, and Russia, and our users are also sharing more than 700 million photos and 100 million videos every single day.”
Photo Credits: DescargarelWhatsApp