People who use a Chromebook or an Android tablet can relate to the problem of finding the right application that work well with the large screens. The Google Play Store has a number of applications but have not been designed for big screens but were primarily designed for the small screens. But now the search engine has decided to introduce a few changes and is now focusing on the Android apps for large screens and includes the first developer release of the Android 12L.
The company has shared about some of the upcoming changes that would be introduced to the Play Store and will be meant for the larger devices. A presentation from Android Dev Summit had the title “What’s new for large screens and foldables in Android and ChromeOS”. It has in short mentioned about the changes that will be brought to the Google Play Store. The search engine has also informed that the reviews and ratings of the large devices would be separate from those of the small devices.
This could mean that when the tablet owners check the app reviews, it will only show the reviews from other people who use it on a tablet/ foldable devices/Chromebook. But it is still not clear if the user will still have the option to check reviews from other form factors that could be in a separate menu. As per now Play Store quality process is currently being updated and will be checking apps for a larger screen layouts along with improved import support. This surely sounds better than the current tablet check of Play Store and this most of the time involves the app developer uploading a screen shot of the size of a tablet.
Google has assured that it will be talking about the development in detail during the first quarter of 2021. After the company talks about the changes, they will be enabled in 2022.
Photo Credits: Pixabay