Gadget Herald: The Apple iPad has finally arrived in India, and it has been launched with the government’s wireless carrier BSNL. The launch date of this device has been scheduled on the 28th of January, and it will come with both Wi-Fi and 3G feature. BSNL has said, the device should be available with the customers without a contract, which means one has the liberty to change any plan he wants.
The iPad is a revolutionary device in India, and will change the way of surfing, sharing and enjoying the web. It has a very professional look, which gives a person a distinct recognition. It can be used as an e-book, to read and send mails and even share photos and videos.
Apple has provided the iOS, an operating system which is doing quite well in US and other parts of the world, for the User Interface of the device is quite simple and professional to use. BSNL is just awaiting the launch of this device, so it can showcase the data plans of the iPad to its customers.