As Russia declares a war against Ukrain, the video game developers in the European country, have spoken about the invasion. The Eastern European country Ukraine has The Sinking City and Sherlock Holmes studio, GSC Game World and Vostok Games. Even Unisoft has a couple of studios in the country including one in the capital Kyiv.
GSC in a desperate statement wrote that the country woke up with the sounds of explosions and weapons fire but is ready to defend its freedom and independence. The statement made a call for aid for Ukraine’s armed forces while stating that the future is unknown but are hoping for the best. The Game developer added that they have complete confidence in their armed forces and their belief in the country. On the other hand Unisoft stated that the safety of their team members is their priority and primary concern. The spokesperson from the company assured that they are monitoring the situation closely and have also implemented a number of measures to keep the members of the team in Ukraine safe. It was also added that they do not have more details to share at the moment but will continue to monitor and adjust to the situation as it comes.
David Tisserand, the Ubisoft manager at Montreal talked a few details about the measures being carried out for the team members. The manager said that it is hard for them to put up a work face as their colleagues are being invaded. Tisserand also informed that the teams in Kyiv and Odessa have been central to make the games to be more accessible.
Talking about outside of Ukraine, a number of developers have assured that they would be donating in response. All the proceeds of the donation would be for the Ukrainian Red Cross for the next week. Bungie, the maker of Destiny has said that it will be donating towards the humanitarian efforts that would be a part of the Game2Give Program.
Photo Credits: Nenroll