Ever since the coronavirus pandemic started off in March 2020, companies across the globe allowed its employees to work from home as a safety measure. Many of them have also made this arrangement as permanent. However, working from home during the coronavirus pandemic has extended the timings. It is because of the technology that has allowed to do the jobs from practically anywhere, but that has made it much tougher to step back.
Be it an employee of a company who is constantly attending Zoom calls, or an owner of a start-up who is in front of the screen all day and also runs behind children at home. Since the work has shifted to home, answering emails, attending online meetings and calls have become a lengthy process due to the job switch that we constantly make while being at home. Most of the online meetings do not go without being interrupted by a kid or a pet at home.
Some have also said that they do not realize how their day ends and a number of times they do not even get time to have a shower. Technology has come home with the pandemic and more tech can now be seen on the dining tables and any available small spaces at home. But the convenience of bringing home the technology has created a never-ending day for many of the employees, who are not able to decide as to when to turn off the switch.
One of the studies conducted by the Harvard Business School has said that the average working day has increased by 48.5 minutes across the globe during the pandemic early stages. Nearly 40 percent of the remote workers have said that their work days have become longer than before in the last 12 months. The current working pattern has also fueled a phenomenon which is known as ‘always-on-fatigue’. Experts have warned that this might not be good for the mental health of the workers working overtime.
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