Gadget Herald: US-based book retailer Barnes & Noble unveiled a tablet ‘Nook’ for the US market on 7th November. The tablet PC has been introduced as an answer to the Inc.’s Kindle fire and has been priced at $249.
The Nook costs $50 more than the Kindle Fire and half of the price of the cheapest iPad of Apple Inc. Already several other companies have entered into the tablet market with their own tabs to compete with the best selling Apple devices.
But the only catch here is that most of the other devices were priced very close to the Apple iPad. With the new low price of the Barnes & Noble device, it is surely going to be one threat to the reigning Apple tablets in the market.
When compared to the Kindle Fire, the Nook comes with 16 GB inbuilt memory which is twice the size of the Amazon device. The new tab will be preloaded with applications from Hulu Plus and Netflix and it is expected to be available by the second week of November. The chief executive of Barnes & Noble, William Lynch, said that the retailer would make more money when the sales of the tablets would blend with the sales of its accessories and warranties.