Instagram, created by Kevin Systrom and Cheyenne Foster, is an online photo-sharing and social networking platform. One of the clauses in the policy states that the photo-sharing site has the right to use images of its users for advertisements and other purposes, without any approval or any sort of compensation. This has pretty much angered the entire Instagram community and their usually devoted fan base has threatened to delete their accounts.
The photo-sharing platform enables users to apply digital filters on the pictures they have clicked and share it on a plethora of social networking websites, including Instagram itself. Off late there is a huge uproar caused due to the company’s new policy.
Owing to the popularity that Instagram has gained in quite a short period of time, Facebook has decided to acquire the company for approximately USD 715 Million (in the form of cash and stocks). It is quite evident that the sudden move to change policy has been made so revenue could be generated by Instagram (and indirectly Facebook).
Hackers’ Collective Anonymous has urged its users to ditch Instagram services by using the hashtag #BoycottInstagram. It brought to light the issue of how social networking sites are using user’s information to derive profits.
The controversial clause in Instagram’s new policy statement may just ruin and damage the popularity that Instagram has sculpted for itself. As of now users are still giving the site the benefit of the doubt, but what happens next is anyone’s guess.