E-commerce giant Amazon has launched the new Alexa Answers beta that can enable the Echo device owners to help the personal assistant to become smarter. The invited users will be allowed by the new program to contribute knowledge through a new website that features a selection of questions that have Alexa stumped.
This means that if the user has ample knowledge about something then the popular personal assistant will receive the information gratefully. For instance if the users know how many birds migrate, where the most snowfall is or how long it takes for an ice cube to freeze then it can be contributed to the personal assistant.
In November 2018, an internal beta program had delivered the answers to about 100,000 questions which have now been added to the repertoire by Alexa and delivered to millions of customers. In order to assure accuracy, the answers were downvoted or upvoted by the community while people offering answers are being asked to keep them short and sweet. Bill Barton, wrote on the Amazon Blog, “While Alexa can answer the vast majority of questions customers are asking every day, every once in a while, customers throw curve balls at us with various questions like “Where was Barbara Bush buried?” or “Who wrote the score for Lord of the Rings?” or “What’s cork made out of?” or “Where do bats go in the winter?”
The blog added, “While Alexa can answer the vast majority of questions customers are asking every day, every once in a while, customers throw curve balls at us with various questions like “Where was Barbara Bush buried?” or “Who wrote the score for Lord of the Rings?” or “What’s cork made out of?” or “Where do bats go in the winter?” Amazon while talking to a leading daily said that it is the most engaged Alexa customers and customer reviews from Amazon.com.
Photo Credits: The Verge