Google+ was a popular social networking service when it was launched in June 2011. The social network was the fourth foray of the search engine giant in to social network after Google Buzz, Google Friend Connect and Orkut. The search engine had made a decision to shut down its social network in 2018 after a few security flaws were revealed. It had also moved up to the website’s final day after a date bug had exposed 52.5 million user’s info that was exposed.
Now Google has revealed that Google+ will no longer exist after April 2, 2019 and it has also detailed the steps leading to that day. While just a few months are left before April 2, 2019, the users will no longer be able to create new communities, profiles, pages, and events starting from February 4, 2019. On the same say, the search engine will shut down the ability to use Google+ for comments, though other sites will have until March 7, 2019.
In the upcoming weeks, the Sign In buttons on Google+ will stop working and will b replaced by Google Sign in buttons in the same cases. However, the users will have to wait until the actual shut down day to close all the consumer accounts and pages along with delete all Google+ comments that users made over the past years. It is noticed that some of the communities have gathered some interesting and important data, Google is giving the moderators a chance to download posts including their author , body and photos sometime in early March, 2019.
With the above details it seems like there is not possible chance of Google to change its mind, so the users of Google+ can say good bye to the social network. However, Google+ for the G Suite customers will live on and will also get a new look and new features very soon.
Photo Credits: Extremetech