Gadget Herald: Gamestop, the popular video game retailer has announced its preparation to enter the tablet market. The retailer has announced that they would be soon launching a new tablet PC which will be powered by Android and will be specially designed for gaming.
Company president Tony Bartel, has said that they are currently in the test phase and are excited at the prospect of coming out with a tablet. Bartel said that they had looked at the tablets in the market and came to a conclusion that they would be designing tablets that would work for gaming.
Bartel had also added that they will be giving a few more benefits that users will not get anywhere else. Meanwhile, the retailer is also trying hard to get the customers to purchase digital content through their website.
Amazon, Best Buy and many such tech retailers have these days increased the focus on making its own stuff other than selling digital content. Gamestop earlier this year had acquired the company known as Kongregate, which specialized in casual Flash games. The retailer had joined with Android for a Kongregate mobile app. However the product was marketed as a Kongregate product instead of a Gamestop one.