Mobile phones giants Apple and Samsung are working with the GSMA, the association that represents the mobile telecom industry and supports the GSM standard. The companies are working on to put an end on the traditional SIM cards.
The old style SIM Cards will soon be replaced by the e-SIM which is an electronic version of a SIM. The e-SIM allows the users to quickly and easily change between mobile networks. This will depend on how the specifications have been finalized by the carrier. There are chances that the carrier might place a few restrictions on the e-SIM.
However, the concept has been designed to be flexible than the traditional SIMs. The upcoming technology will be similar to the Apple SIM which was launched for the iPad Air 2. It allowed to easily switch between the data networks on the tablet. The difference here is, the Apple SIM could be replaced by the users but the e-SIM cannot be removed. So the concept of SIM cards will be completely removed.
The proposed e-SIM technology is currently backed by many of the giants including Vodafone, Orange, AT&T and Telefonica. Work is still going on and the new technology is expected to be launched by 2016.
Photo Credits: cultofmac