Gadget Herald: The latest rumour on the block, Apple may launch the iPad 3 tablet PC this fall, and these reports are getting quite intense. It was John Gruber of Daring Fireball, who ignited this rumour and stated, the HP TouchPad may see a new rival in the market which is quite advanced in nature, the iPad 3.
There are several doubts in context to the launch, as the company will also be releasing a new generation of iPod’s late fall this year. It could, most probably make it along with the iPod release, but the hope for its unveiling is quite meek, he would rather not wait for more than a year for the release of the third generation iPad.
The iPad 2 will most likely make it this March and will be available in the stores by late April, in addition to this the iOS 5 too would be due to make an arrival. So if the entire release sequence was kept in mind, the iPad 3 should show up in the mid of September along with the latest operating system. But as the iPad 2 itself has not yet made full show, we can just expect the third generation to be in our hands by the end of this year.