Gadget Herald: RIM has finally showcased the RIM BlackBerry PlayBook tablet PC at the World Mobile Congress, and the devices will have LTE and 3G network technology in it. As per the announcement, RIM has said the PlayBook shall make it into the market by the end of the year 2011. In fact the company will have two versions of the PlayBook, one with the LTE and the other with 3G.
These tablet PC’s shall have Bluetooth tethering technology and wifi hotspot ability, so other devices shall connect and use the PlayBook’s web connectivity. Other wireless data technology upgrades shall slowly come up in the PlayBook, and this is something that will make this device distinct.
Prices and the network provider for this device has not been announced, but it is for sure the PlayBook will make waves in the global market. The standard Wifi and WiMax devices shall launch by the next month, and it will be the first tablet offering by RIM.