South Korean electronics giant Samsung has overtaken the Finnish phone company Nokia in handset shipments, according to the Q1 2012 figures revealed by analysts. Ten years back, one of the executives from Samsung said that the South Korean company will one day become bigger in phones and today that has happened.
The figures from the Strategy Analytics show that in the first quarter of 2012, Nokia slipped to the number two spot in terms of the total number of handset shipments. The company which once legitimately claimed to be the world’s largest camera manufacturer, can now even claim that it is the biggest phone maker.
It was actually due to the failure of Symbian which pushed Nokia to the third place when it comes to smartphones. Samsung leads with a shipping of 44.5 million handsets while Nokia managed 11.9 and Apple remains at 35.1 million.
The South Korean company entered the smartphone market very aggressively more than a decade ago and had then intended to become bigger than Nokia. Despite the failure of Symbian, Samsung is still supporting Bada, Windows Phone and Android Development platforms, just to make sure to maintain the success.