The COVID-19 vaccines are being rolling out on a gradual basis across the globe. Tones of people are now in the process of booking and looking for the vaccination sites. Search engine giant Google wishes to be the first one to be able to serve people who wish to reach the vaccines. In a new blog post, Google has said that it will begin loading the Search and Maps with information on the sites that are offering the vaccines for COVID-19.
The company in its blog post has assured that the Google Search as well as Maps will be showing locations that are offering the COVID-19 Vaccines. The service will begin from Louisiana, Arizona, Mississippi and Texas. It will be followed by more states and countries. This would mean that the users will soon be able to search COVID-vaccine and they will be able to see location results along with appointment information. It will also inform if the site has a drive-through facility. The search engine has given an update that it is joining hands with the by Boston Children’s Hospital, government based agencies and retail pharmacies for the sake of data.
In terms of Google Empire, the company is planning to open a number of Google facilities as vaccine sites. Google will be making efforts to make vaccination sites at buildings, parking lots as well as open spaces that would be available as needed. The sites will be available only for people who are eligible for vaccine based on the local and state guidelines. Google will be joining hands with One Medical along with public health authorities to open vaccination sites in Los Angeles , San Francisco Bay Area in California, Washington, Kirkland and New York City.
Talks are on with the local authorities and the officials will soon be able to determine when the sites will be opened. Google has also said that it will be launching Get The Facts campaign across its services.
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