Various companies have been ganging up against Google’s Android operating system, saying that the search provider has been offering the software at below cost, thereby negating the competition in the smartphone industry. Some companies who are members of an European search lobby, including Nokia, Oracle and Microsoft, have registered a complaint with the regulator of Europe’s competition, saying that Google is being anticompetitive.
Google has other search rivals such as Kayak, Hotwire, TripAdvisor and Expedia, who have also pitched in to file a complaint, which was put into motion by The Android operating system accounted for around 70 percent of smartphones that were shipped in 2012.
According to Thomas Vinje, who is counsel to FairSearch and its coalition, said that Google was using its Android platform as a low-cost trojan horse, as it was monopolizing the market, controlling consumer data and deceiving its partners.
Android is free for device manufacturers, as long as Google’s apps such as Play Store and YouTube are included on the device. This allows for the parent company to have a presence on a users phone from the start.
Vinje requested to Commission to decisively and quickly protect innovation and competition in the critical emerging smartphone market.