Gadget Herald: has released some leaked photos of the upcoming HTC phones, and they look like they are sequels to the HTC Desire and Wildfire models. The first phone which is spotted is what looks like the next HTC Desire, but it has touch sensitive buttons similar to the Google Nexus One.
The working process on these phones too has become quite easy as one will only need to select the text available on the Android interface. And it was confirmed the phone is running on the Android OS after the Home, Menu, Back and Search buttons were seen on it.
The other phone in the pic is the next phone to the HTC A3380, as this is the only phone which is a best seller in China. It looks as if it will replace the HTC Wildfire phone, and people hope it might be as cheap as it has always been. We have no comments about the HTC, they are the top shots who have specialized in manufacturing touch screen phones, and they are doing quite well in the markets around the world.
Source: Cnet