Social networking giant Facebook is all set to make more improvements in its ‘real name’ policy. The makers are testing new ways to improve its policy and how users on the network can confirm their names.
The changes in the identification process is expected to begin from December 2015. Facebook executive Alex Schultz sent a letter to the organizations Electronic Frontier Foundation and American Civil Liberties Union while informing about the changes. Schultz in the letter wrote, “we want to reduce the number of people who are asked to verify their name on Facebook, when they are already using the name people know them by … (and) we want to make it easier for people to confirm their name if necessary.”
The executive added that the Facebook users currently do not have to use their real names but must use their name that they use in real life. However, this is not a new issue that is faced by the social network. In 2014 a campaign was started by the users whose accounts were shut down. They were Native Americans who used tribal names which are different from those of the government issued IDs. The group also included women who were survivors of domestic violence.
Photo Credits: chronicle